Source code for rhapsody.features.PDB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines a class that organizes the calculation of
PDB-based structural and dynamical features in a single place, and a
function for using the latter on a list of PDB SAV coordinates."""

import numpy as np
import pickle
import datetime
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
from prody import Atomic, parsePDB, writePDB, LOGGER, SETTINGS
from prody import GNM, ANM, calcSqFlucts
from prody import calcPerturbResponse, calcMechStiff
# from prody import calcMBS
from prody import reduceModel, sliceModel
from prody import execDSSP, parseDSSP

__author__ = "Luca Ponzoni"
__date__ = "December 2019"
__maintainer__ = "Luca Ponzoni"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = ['STR_FEATS', 'DYN_FEATS', 'PDB_FEATS',
           'PDBfeatures', 'calcPDBfeatures']

"""Hard-coded maximum size of PDB structures that can be handled by the
class :class:`PDBfeatures()`."""

STR_FEATS = ['SASA', 'SASA_in_complex', 'Delta_SASA']
"""List of available structural features."""

             'GNM_effectiveness', 'GNM_sensitivity',
             'ANM_effectiveness', 'ANM_sensitivity',
             'stiffness']  # , 'MBS']
"""List of available dynamical features."""

PDB_FEATS = STR_FEATS + [f + e for f in DYN_FEATS
                         for e in ['-chain', '-reduced', '-sliced']]
"""List of available PDB-based structural and dynamical features. The latter
can be computed by using three different environment models."""

[docs]class PDBfeatures: """A class for deriving structural and dynamical properties from a PDB structure. :arg PDB: an object or a PDB code identifying a PDB structure. :type PDB: :class:`Atomic`, str :arg n_modes: number of GNM/ANM modes to be computed. :type n_modes: int, str :arg recover_pickle: whether or not to recover precomputed pickle, if found :type recover_pickle: bool """
[docs] def __init__(self, PDB, n_modes='all', recover_pickle=False, **kwargs): assert isinstance(PDB, (str, Atomic)), \ 'PDB must be either a PDBID or an Atomic instance.' assert type(recover_pickle) is bool # definition and initialization of variables if isinstance(PDB, str): self.PDBID = PDB self._pdb = None else: self.PDBID = None self._pdb = PDB.copy() self.n_modes = n_modes self.chids = None self.resids = None self.feats = None self._gnm = None self._anm = None self.timestamp = None if recover_pickle: try: self.recoverPickle(**kwargs) except Exception as e: LOGGER.warn(f'Unable to recover pickle: {e}') self.refresh() else: self.refresh() return
[docs] def getPDB(self): """Returns the parsed PDB structure as an :class:`AtomGroup` object.""" if self._pdb is None: self._pdb = parsePDB(self.PDBID, model=1) return self._pdb
[docs] def refresh(self): """Deletes all precomputed ENM models and features, and resets time stamp.""" pdb = self.getPDB() self.chids = set( self.resids = {chID: pdb[chID].ca.getResnums() for chID in self.chids} self._gnm = {} self._anm = {} for env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced']: self._gnm[env] = {chID: None for chID in self.chids} self._anm[env] = {chID: None for chID in self.chids} self.feats = {chID: {} for chID in self.chids} self.timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) return
[docs] def recoverPickle(self, folder=None, filename=None, days=30, **kwargs): """Looks for precomputed pickle for the current PDB structure. :arg folder: path of folder where pickles are stored. If not specified, pickles will be searched for in the local Rhapsody installation folder. :type folder: str :arg filename: name of the pickle. If not specified, the default filename ``'PDBfeatures-[PDBID].pkl'`` will be used. If a PDBID is not found, user must specify a valid filename. :type filename: str :arg days: number of days after which a pickle will be considered too old and won't be recovered. :type days: int """ if folder is None: # define folder where to look for pickles folder = SETTINGS.get('rhapsody_local_folder') if folder is None: folder = '.' else: folder = os.path.join(folder, 'pickles') if filename is None: # use the default filename, if possible if self.PDBID is not None: filename = 'PDBfeatures-' + self.PDBID + '.pkl' else: # when a custom structure is used, there is no # default filename: the user should provide it raise ValueError('Please provide a filename.') pickle_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) if not os.path.isfile(pickle_path): raise IOError("File '{}' not found".format(filename)) recovered_self = pickle.load(open(pickle_path, "rb")) # check consistency of recovered data if self.PDBID is None: if self._pdb != recovered_self._pdb: raise ValueError('Incompatible PDB structure in recovered pickle.') elif self.PDBID != recovered_self.PDBID: raise ValueError('PDBID in recovered pickle ({}) does not match.' .format(recovered_self.PDBID)) if self.n_modes != recovered_self.n_modes: raise ValueError('Num. of modes in recovered pickle ({}) does not match.' .format(recovered_self.n_modes)) # check timestamp and ignore pickles that are too old date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" t_old = datetime.datetime.strptime( recovered_self.timestamp, date_format) t_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() Delta_t = datetime.timedelta(days=days) if t_old + Delta_t < t_now: raise RuntimeError('Pickle was too old and was ignored.') # import recovered data self.chids = recovered_self.chids self.resids = recovered_self.resids self.feats = recovered_self.feats self._gnm = recovered_self._gnm self._anm = recovered_self._anm self.timestamp = recovered_self.timestamp"Pickle '{}' recovered.".format(filename)) return
[docs] def savePickle(self, folder=None, filename=None): """Stores a pickle of the current class instance. The pickle will contain all information and precomputed features, but not GNM and ANM models. In case a PDBID is missing, the parsed PDB :class:`AtomGroup` is stored as well. :arg folder: path of the folder where the pickle will be saved. If not specified, the local Rhapsody installation folder will be used. :type folder: str :arg filename: name of the pickle. By default, the pickle will be saved as ``'PDBfeatures-[PDBID].pkl'``. If a PDBID is not defined, the user must provide a filename. :type filename: str :return: pickle path :rtype: str """ if folder is None: # define folder where to look for pickles folder = SETTINGS.get('rhapsody_local_folder') if folder is None: folder = '.' else: folder = os.path.join(folder, 'pickles') if filename is None: # use the default filename, if possible if self.PDBID is None: # when a custom structure is used, there is no # default filename: the user should provide it raise ValueError('Please provide a filename.') filename = 'PDBfeatures-' + self.PDBID + '.pkl' pickle_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) # do not store GNM and ANM instances. # If a valid PDBID is present, do not store parsed PDB # as well, since it can be easily fetched again cache = (self._pdb, self._gnm, self._anm) if self.PDBID is not None: self._pdb = None self._gnm = {} self._anm = {} for env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced']: self._gnm[env] = {chID: None for chID in self.chids} self._anm[env] = {chID: None for chID in self.chids} # write pickle pickle.dump(self, open(pickle_path, "wb")) # restore temporarily cached data self._pdb, self._gnm, self._anm = cache"Pickle '{}' saved.".format(filename)) return pickle_path
[docs] def resetTimestamp(self): self.timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
[docs] def setNumModes(self, n_modes): """Sets the number of ENM modes to be computed. If different from the number provided at instantiation, any precomputed features will be deleted.""" if n_modes != self.n_modes: self.n_modes = n_modes self.refresh() return
def _checkNumCalphas(self, ag): n_ca = if n_ca > MAX_NUM_RESIDUES: m = f'Too many C-alphas: {n_ca}. Max. allowed: {MAX_NUM_RESIDUES}' raise RuntimeError(m)
[docs] def calcGNM(self, chID, env='chain'): """Builds GNM model for the selected chain. :arg chID: chain identifier :type chID: str :arg env: environment model, i.e. ``'chain'``, ``'reduced'`` or ``'sliced'`` :type env: str :return: GNM model :rtype: :class:`GNM` """ assert env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced'] gnm_e = self._gnm[env] n = self.n_modes if gnm_e[chID] is None: pdb = self.getPDB() if env == 'chain': ca =[chID] self._checkNumCalphas(ca) gnm = GNM() gnm.buildKirchhoff(ca) gnm.calcModes(n_modes=n) gnm_e[chID] = gnm else: ca = self._checkNumCalphas(ca) gnm_full = GNM() gnm_full.buildKirchhoff(ca) if env == 'reduced': sel = 'chain ' + chID gnm, _ = reduceModel(gnm_full, ca, sel) gnm.calcModes(n_modes=n) gnm_e[chID] = gnm else: gnm_full.calcModes(n_modes=n) for c in self.chids: sel = 'chain ' + c gnm, _ = sliceModel(gnm_full, ca, sel) gnm_e[c] = gnm return self._gnm[env][chID]
[docs] def calcANM(self, chID, env='chain'): """Builds ANM model for the selected chain. :arg chID: chain identifier :type chID: str :arg env: environment model, i.e. ``'chain'``, ``'reduced'`` or ``'sliced'`` :type env: str :return: ANM model :rtype: :class:`ANM` """ assert env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced'] anm_e = self._anm[env] n = self.n_modes if anm_e[chID] is None: pdb = self.getPDB() if env == 'chain': ca =[chID] self._checkNumCalphas(ca) anm = ANM() anm.buildHessian(ca) anm.calcModes(n_modes=n) anm_e[chID] = anm else: ca = self._checkNumCalphas(ca) anm_full = ANM() anm_full.buildHessian(ca) if env == 'reduced': sel = 'chain ' + chID anm, _ = reduceModel(anm_full, ca, sel) anm.calcModes(n_modes=n) anm_e[chID] = anm else: anm_full.calcModes(n_modes=n) for c in self.chids: sel = 'chain ' + c anm, _ = sliceModel(anm_full, ca, sel) anm_e[c] = anm return self._anm[env][chID]
[docs] def calcGNMfeatures(self, chain='all', env='chain', GNM_PRS=True): """Computes GNM-based features. :arg chain: chain identifier :type chain: str :arg env: environment model, i.e. ``'chain'``, ``'reduced'`` or ``'sliced'`` :type env: str :arg GNM_PRS: whether or not to compute features based on Perturbation Response Scanning analysis :type GNM_PRS: bool """ assert env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced'] assert type(GNM_PRS) is bool # list of features to be computed features = ['GNM_MSF-'+env] if GNM_PRS: features += ['GNM_effectiveness-'+env, 'GNM_sensitivity-'+env] # compute features (if not precomputed) if chain == 'all': chain_list = self.chids else: chain_list = [chain, ] for chID in chain_list: d = self.feats[chID] if all([f in d for f in features]): continue try: gnm = self.calcGNM(chID, env=env) except Exception as e: if (isinstance(e, MemoryError)): msg = 'MemoryError' else: msg = str(e) for f in features: d[f] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) continue key_msf = 'GNM_MSF-' + env if key_msf not in d: try: d[key_msf] = calcSqFlucts(gnm) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_msf] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) key_eff = 'GNM_effectiveness-' + env if key_eff in features and key_eff not in d: key_sns = 'GNM_sensitivity-' + env try: prs_mtrx, eff, sns = calcPerturbResponse(gnm) d[key_eff] = eff d[key_sns] = sns except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_eff] = msg d[key_sns] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) return
[docs] def calcANMfeatures(self, chain='all', env='chain', ANM_PRS=True, stiffness=True, MBS=False): """Computes ANM-based features. :arg chain: chain identifier :type chain: str :arg env: environment model, i.e. ``'chain'``, ``'reduced'`` or ``'sliced'`` :type env: str :arg ANM_PRS: whether or not to compute features based on Perturbation Response Scanning analysis :type ANM_PRS: bool :arg stiffness: whether or not to compute stiffness with MechStiff :type stiffness: bool :arg MBS: whether or not to compute Mechanical Bridging Score :type MBS: bool """ assert env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced'] for k in ANM_PRS, stiffness, MBS: assert type(k) is bool # list of features to be computed features = ['ANM_MSF-'+env] if ANM_PRS: features += ['ANM_effectiveness-'+env, 'ANM_sensitivity-'+env] if MBS: features += ['MBS-'+env] if stiffness: features += ['stiffness-'+env] # compute features (if not precomputed) if chain == 'all': chain_list = self.chids else: chain_list = [chain, ] for chID in chain_list: d = self.feats[chID] if all([f in d for f in features]): continue try: anm = self.calcANM(chID, env=env) except Exception as e: if (isinstance(e, MemoryError)): msg = 'MemoryError' else: msg = str(e) for f in features: d[f] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) continue key_msf = 'ANM_MSF-' + env if key_msf not in d: try: d[key_msf] = calcSqFlucts(anm) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_msf] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) key_eff = 'ANM_effectiveness-' + env if key_eff in features and key_eff not in d: key_sns = 'ANM_sensitivity-' + env try: prs_mtrx, eff, sns = calcPerturbResponse(anm) d[key_eff] = eff d[key_sns] = sns except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_eff] = msg d[key_sns] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) key_mbs = 'MBS-' + env if key_mbs in features and key_mbs not in d: try: pdb = self.getPDB() ca = pdb[chID].ca d[key_mbs] = calcMBS(anm, ca, cutoff=15.) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_mbs] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) key_stf = 'stiffness-' + env if key_stf in features and key_stf not in d: try: pdb = self.getPDB() ca = pdb[chID].ca stiff_mtrx = calcMechStiff(anm, ca) d[key_stf] = np.mean(stiff_mtrx, axis=0) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d[key_stf] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) return
def _launchDSSP(self, ag):'Running DSSP...') LOGGER.timeit('_DSSP') pdb_file = writePDB('_temp.pdb', ag, secondary=False) try: dssp_file = execDSSP(pdb_file, outputname='_temp') except EnvironmentError: raise EnvironmentError("dssp executable not found: please install " "with 'sudo apt install dssp'") ag = parseDSSP(dssp_file, ag) os.remove('_temp.pdb') os.remove('_temp.dssp')'DSSP finished in %.1fs.', '_DSSP') return ag
[docs] def calcDSSP(self, chain='whole'): """Runs DSSP on the PDB structure. :arg chain: chain identifier. If ``'whole'``, the whole complex will be considered :type chain: str :return: modified PDB object with DSSP properties added as additional attributes, accessible via method :func:`getData()` :rtype: :class:`AtomGroup` """ if chain == 'whole': # compute DSSP on the whole complex ag = self.getPDB() if ag.getData('dssp_acc') is None: ag = self._launchDSSP(ag) else: # compute DSSP on single chain pdb = self.getPDB() ag = pdb[chain].copy() ag = self._launchDSSP(ag) return ag
[docs] def calcSASA(self, chain='all'): """Computes Solvent Accessible Surface Area of single chains with DSSP algorithm. :arg chain: chain identifier :type chain: str """ if chain == 'all': chain_list = self.chids else: chain_list = [chain, ] for chID in chain_list: d = self.feats[chID] if 'SASA' not in d: # SASA will be computed on single chains try: ag = self.calcDSSP(chain=chID) d['SASA'] ='dssp_acc') except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d['SASA'] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) return
[docs] def calcDeltaSASA(self, chain='all'): """Computes the difference between Solvent Accessible Surface Area of an isolated chain and of the same chain seen in the complex. :arg chain: chain identifier :type chain: str """ if chain == 'all': chain_list = self.chids else: chain_list = [chain, ] if any(['SASA_in_complex' not in self.feats[c] for c in self.chids]): try: # compute SASA for chains in the complex ag = self.calcDSSP(chain='whole') for chID in self.chids: SASA_c = ag[chID].ca.getData('dssp_acc') self.feats[chID]['SASA_in_complex'] = SASA_c self.feats[chID].pop('Delta_SASA', None) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) for chID in self.chids: d = self.feats[chID] d['SASA_in_complex'] = msg d['Delta_SASA'] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) for chID in chain_list: d = self.feats[chID] if 'SASA' not in d: # SASA of isolated chains try: ag = self.calcDSSP(chain=chID) d['SASA'] ='dssp_acc') except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d['SASA'] = msg d['Delta_SASA'] = msg LOGGER.warn(msg) if 'Delta_SASA' not in d: # compute difference between SASA of the isolated chain # and SASA of the chain in the complex try: d['Delta_SASA'] = d['SASA'] - d['SASA_in_complex'] except Exception as e: msg = str(e) d['Delta_SASA'] = str(msg) LOGGER.warn(msg) return
def _findIndex(self, chain, resid): indices = np.where(self.resids[chain] == resid)[0] if len(indices) > 1: LOGGER.warn('Multiple ({}) residues with resid {} found.' .format(len(indices), resid)) return indices
[docs] def calcSelFeatures(self, chain='all', resid=None, sel_feats=None): """Computes selected PDB-based features for all chains in the PDB structure, for a specific chain or for a single residue. Available features are listed in :func:`PDB_FEATS`. :arg chain: chain identifier :type chain: str :arg resid: residue number. If selected, a single chain must be also specified :type resid: int :arg sel_feats: list of feature names. If **None**, all :func:`PDB_FEATS` will be computed :type env: list of str :return: a dictionary, containing names and values (or error messages) of selected features, for each chain or residue :rtype: dict """ if resid is not None and chain == 'all': raise ValueError('Please select a single chain.') if sel_feats is None: sel_feats = PDB_FEATS assert all([f in PDB_FEATS for f in sel_feats]) # compute only selected features if 'Delta_SASA' in sel_feats: self.calcDeltaSASA(chain) elif 'SASA' in sel_feats: self.calcSASA(chain) for env in ['chain', 'reduced', 'sliced']: s = '-' + env l = [f.replace(s, '') for f in sel_feats if f.endswith(s)] if l == []: continue GNM_PRS, ANM_PRS, stiffness, MBS = (False,)*4 if 'GNM_effectiveness' in l or 'GNM_sensitivity' in l: GNM_PRS = True if 'ANM_effectiveness' in l or 'ANM_sensitivity' in l: ANM_PRS = True if 'MBS' in l: MBS = True if 'stiffness' in l: stiffness = True self.calcGNMfeatures(chain, env=env, GNM_PRS=GNM_PRS) self.calcANMfeatures(chain, env=env, ANM_PRS=ANM_PRS, MBS=MBS, stiffness=stiffness) # return different outputs depending on options _feats = {} for c in self.chids: d = self.feats[c] _feats[c] = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in sel_feats} if chain == 'all': return _feats elif resid is None: return _feats[chain] else: d = _feats[chain] indices = self._findIndex(chain, resid) output = {} for k in d: feat_array = d[k] if isinstance(feat_array, str): # return error message instead of array output[k] = feat_array else: # return 2-D array output[k] = np.array([feat_array[i] for i in indices]) return output
[docs]def calcPDBfeatures(mapped_SAVs, sel_feats=None, custom_PDB=None, refresh=False, status_file=None, status_prefix=None):'Computing structural and dynamical features ' 'from PDB structures...') LOGGER.timeit('_calcPDBFeats') if sel_feats is None: sel_feats = PDB_FEATS # define a structured array for features computed from PDBs num_SAVs = len(mapped_SAVs) feat_dtype = np.dtype([(f, 'f') for f in sel_feats]) features = np.zeros(num_SAVs, dtype=feat_dtype) # compute PDB features using PDBfeatures class if custom_PDB is None: # sort SAVs, so to group together those # belonging to the same PDB PDBID_list = [r[2][:4] if r[3] != 0 else '' for r in mapped_SAVs] sorting_map = np.argsort(PDBID_list) else: # no need to sort when using a custom PDB or PDBID sorting_map = range(num_SAVs) # define how to report progress if status_prefix is None: status_prefix = '' bar_format = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]' if status_file is not None: status_file = open(status_file, 'w') progress_bar = tqdm( [(i, mapped_SAVs[i]) for i in sorting_map], file=status_file, bar_format=bar_format+'\n') else: progress_bar = tqdm( [(i, mapped_SAVs[i]) for i in sorting_map], bar_format=bar_format) cache = {'PDBID': None, 'chain': None, 'obj': None} count = 0 for indx, SAV in progress_bar: count += 1 if SAV['PDB size'] == 0: # SAV could not be mapped to PDB _features = np.nan SAV_coords = SAV['SAV coords'] progress_msg = f"{status_prefix}No PDB for SAV '{SAV_coords}'" else: parsed_PDB_coords = SAV['PDB SAV coords'].split() PDBID, chID = parsed_PDB_coords[:2] resid = int(parsed_PDB_coords[2]) progress_msg = status_prefix + \ f'Analizing mutation site {PDBID}:{chID} {resid}' # chID == "?" stands for "empty space" chID = " " if chID == "?" else chID # report progress #"[{count}/{num_SAVs}] {progress_msg}...") progress_bar.set_description(progress_msg) # compute PDB features, if possible if SAV['PDB size'] != 0: if PDBID == cache['PDBID']: # use PDBfeatures instance from previous iteration obj = cache['obj'] else: # save previous mapping to pickle if cache['obj'] is not None and custom_PDB is None: cache['obj'].savePickle() cache['PDBID'] = PDBID cache['chain'] = chID try: # instantiate new PDBfeatures object if custom_PDB is None: obj = PDBfeatures(PDBID, recover_pickle=not(refresh)) else: obj = PDBfeatures(custom_PDB, recover_pickle=False) except Exception as e: obj = None LOGGER.warn(str(e)) cache['obj'] = obj # compute PDB features if obj is None: _features = np.nan else: feat_dict = obj.calcSelFeatures(chID, resid=resid, sel_feats=sel_feats) # check for error messages _features = [] for name in feat_dtype.names: feat_array = feat_dict[name] if isinstance(feat_array, str): # print error message LOGGER.warn('{}: {}'.format(name, feat_array)) _features.append(np.nan) else: # sometimes resid maps to multiple indices: # we will only consider the first one _features.append(feat_array[0]) _features = tuple(_features) # store computed features features[indx] = _features # in the final iteration of the loop, save last pickle if count == num_SAVs and cache['obj'] is not None \ and custom_PDB is None: cache['obj'].savePickle()'PDB features have been computed in %.1fs.', '_calcPDBFeats') if status_file: os.remove( return features